Futura WordPress Child Theme Download
Futura WordPress child theme is built for the Futura parent WordPress theme. WordPress Child theme ID 9811
how to install in your WordPress dashboard without sftp
Theme Name: Futura Child
Template: futura
Theme URI: https://www.wordpresschildtheme.com/futura/
Author: wordpresschildtheme.com
Author URI: https://www.wordpresschildtheme.com
Version: 1.0.1
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
Tags: wordpress-child-theme, wordpress, child-theme, futura-child
Text Domain: futurachild
function wp_child_theme()
wp_enqueue_style("parent-stylesheet", get_template_directory_uri()."/style.css");
wp_enqueue_style("child-stylesheet", get_stylesheet_uri());
wp_enqueue_script("child-scripts", get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/js/scripts.js", array("jquery"), "6.1.1", true);
add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", "wp_child_theme");
if((get_option("wp_child_theme_setting")) == 1)
futura-child/screenshot.png (1200px x 900px)
Pixel image
Further help
For support enquiries contact Ben, WordPress Developer London
This is a custom WordPress child theme available in a similar format to a custom WordPress plugin
Parent Slug: futura |
Categories: themeforest.net Blog Magazine |
Child Slug: futura-child |
ID: 9811 |
Tags: None |
Demo Link: https://themeforest.net/item/futura-responsive-minimal-blog-theme/full_screen_preview/11600488 |
Preview image: preview |
Size: ≥14KB |